Simple and Easy Sourdough Bread Bowl Recipe 2023

The Sourdough bread bowl is a delightful creation that combines the comforting flavors of freshly baked bread with the versatility of a container. These edible vessels are made from sourdough bread, known for its tangy taste and chewy texture. The crusty exterior of the bread bowl provides a sturdy shell, while the soft and fluffy interior is perfect for soaking up soups, stews, or dips. Whether filled with creamy chowders, hearty chili, or even a spinach and artichoke dip, the Sourdough bread bowl adds an extra layer of enjoyment to any dish. It not only enhances the flavors but also offers a unique and sustainable way to enjoy a meal, with no need for additional dishes. The bread bowl truly exemplifies the perfect combination of taste, convenience, and culinary creativity.


Sourdough bread bowl



Ingredients for Sourdough Bread Bowl 

⦁ – 1 ½ cups (360 ml) lukewarm water
⦁ – 1 teaspoon (5 g) active dry yeast
⦁ – 2 cups (240 g) bread flour
⦁ – 2 cups (240 g) all-purpose flour
⦁ – 1 ½ teaspoons (9 g) salt
⦁ – 1 cup (240 g) active sourdough starter
⦁ – Olive oil, for greasing


Sourdough bread bowl

Steps to make Sourdough Bread Bowl

Step 1

In a small bowl, combine the lukewarm water and active dry yeast. Let it sit for 5 minutes until the yeast is activated and starts to bubble. In a large mixing bowl, combine the bread flour, all-purpose flour, and salt. Mix well.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 2

Add the activated yeast mixture and the active sourdough starter to the flour mixture. Stir until a rough dough forms. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 3

Grease a large bowl with olive oil and place the dough in the bowl. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free area for 2 to 3 hours, or until it has doubled in size.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 4

Once the dough has risen, gently punch it down to release any air bubbles. Turn it out onto a floured surface and divide it into individual portions, depending on the desired size of the bread bowls.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 5

Shape each portion into a round ball, pulling the edges towards the bottom to create a smooth surface. Place the formed bread bowls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover the bread bowls with a clean kitchen towel and let them rise for another 30 to 60 minutes, or until they have puffed up slightly.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 6

Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).(Optional: Score the tops of the bread bowls with a sharp knife or razor blade to create decorative patterns).Bake the bread bowls in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until they turn golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.

Sourdough bread bowl


Step 7

Remove the bread bowls from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack. Once cooled, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the top portion of each bread bowl. Scoop out the soft interior to create a cavity for filling with your desired soup, stew, or dip. Fill the sourdough bread bowls with your favorite dish and enjoy!

Sourdough bread bowl


Nutrition Facts

⦁ – Calories: 200 Cal
⦁ – Carbohydrates: 44g
⦁ – Protein: 7g
⦁ – Fat: 1g
⦁ – Saturated Fat: 0g
⦁ – Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g
⦁ – Monounsaturated Fat: 0g
⦁ – Trans Fat: 0g
⦁ – Cholesterol: 0mg
⦁ – Sodium: 291mg
⦁ – Potassium: 79mg
⦁ – Fiber: 2g
⦁ – Sugar: 0g
⦁ – Vitamin A: 0IU
⦁ – Vitamin C: 0mg
⦁ – Calcium: 14mg
⦁ – Iron: 2mg


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Steps to avoid while preparing Sourdough bread bowl

1. Avoid using an inactive sourdough starter: Ensure that your sourdough starter is active and lively before incorporating it into the dough. An inactive or weak starter may result in poor rise and flavor development in the bread.

2. Don’t rush the rising process: Give the dough enough time to rise properly. Rushing the rising process can lead to dense and underdeveloped bread bowls. Follow the recommended rising times and allow the dough to double in size.

3. Don’t skip proper shaping: Take care when shaping the bread bowls to ensure a smooth and round surface. Poor shaping can result in uneven rising and irregular shapes, affecting the overall appearance and functionality of the bread bowls.

4. Avoid overbaking: Keep a close eye on the bread bowls while they are in the oven to prevent overbaking. Overbaked bread bowls can become too hard and lose their soft interior, making them difficult to hollow out and fill.

5. Don’t cut into the bread bowls while they’re still warm: Allow the bread bowls to cool completely before cutting into them. Cutting into warm bread bowls can result in a gummy or doughy interior, rather than the desired fluffy texture.

By being aware of these steps to avoid, you can ensure that your Sourdough bread bowl turn out beautifully and are ready to be filled with delicious soups, stews, or dips.



1. Q: What is a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: A Sourdough Bread Bowl is a hollowed-out loaf of sourdough bread that is used as a container for holding soups, stews, or other dishes. The bread bowl adds a unique flavor and texture to the meal.

2. Q: How do I make a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: To make a Sourdough Bread Bowl, you start by preparing a sourdough bread dough using a sourdough starter and a combination of bread flour and all-purpose flour. After baking the bread, you hollow out the center to create the bread bowl.

3. Q: Can I use store-bought sourdough bread for a bread bowl?
A: Yes, you can use store-bought sourdough bread for a bread bowl. Look for round or oval loaves that have a firm crust and a chewy interior. It’s best to choose a bread that is not pre-sliced for easier hollowing.

4. Q: What can I serve in a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: Sourdough Bread Bowls are versatile and can be filled with a variety of dishes. Common options include creamy soups like chowder, chili, or thick stews. They can also be used for serving dips or even salads.

5. Q: How do I hollow out a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: To hollow out a Sourdough Bread Bowl, slice off the top portion of the bread and carefully remove the interior, leaving a thick crust to hold the filling. The removed bread can be saved and used for dipping or making breadcrumbs.

6. Q: Can I freeze Sourdough Bread Bowls?
A: Sourdough Bread Bowls can be frozen, but it’s best to freeze them before hollowing out. Wrap the whole loaf tightly in plastic wrap and place it in a freezer bag. Thaw and hollow out when ready to use.

7. Q: How do I reheat a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: To reheat a Sourdough Bread Bowl, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the hollowed-out bread bowl on a baking sheet and warm it in the oven for about 10 minutes until it becomes crispy. Then, fill it with your desired hot filling.

8. Q: Can I make mini Sourdough Bread Bowls?
A: Yes, you can make mini Sourdough Bread Bowls by using smaller round or oval sourdough loaves. The process is the same; just adjust the baking time accordingly.

9. Q: Can I use gluten-free flour to make a Sourdough Bread Bowl?
A: Yes, you can use gluten-free flour to make a Sourdough Bread Bowl. There are gluten-free sourdough starter and flour options available that can be used to create a delicious gluten-free bread bowl.

10. Q: How long does a Sourdough Bread Bowl stay fresh?
A: A freshly baked Sourdough Bread Bowl can stay fresh for about 2-3 days when stored in an airtight container at room temperature. However, it’s best to consume it as soon as possible for the best texture and flavor.

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