Irresistible Sabudana Kheer: A Delight Ready in 30 Minutes! (2023 Recipe)




Sabudana Kheer, a luscious Indian dessert delicacy, embodies a harmonious blend of tradition and indulgence. Its rich, velvety texture and tantalizing sweetness have made it a cherished favorite among dessert enthusiasts. This delectable treat, often savored during festive occasions and fasting periods, holds a special place in culinary culture. Rooted in centuries-old traditions, Sabudana Kheer has gracefully transcended time, embodying the essence of celebrations and cherished moments.

Sabudana Kheer



How Sabudana Kheer Started

With roots tracing back to ancient times, Sabudana Kheer has been lovingly prepared for generations, each spoonful carrying the whispers of bygone eras. This timeless dish finds its origin in the Indian subcontinent, its recipe an exquisite blend of tapioca pearls, milk, and sugar, simmered to creamy perfection. As a symbol of nurturing and togetherness, this dessert has been lovingly prepared by grandmothers and mothers alike, passed down through culinary legacies that add an extra layer of sweetness to its taste.


People love for Sabudana Kheer

Beyond its gastronomic appeal, Sabudana Kheer has a profound emotional resonance. The act of preparing and sharing this dessert brings families and communities closer, uniting them in the joy of relishing a shared tradition. The creamy mouthfuls evoke a sense of comfort and nostalgia, transporting individuals to a world where time slows down, and connections are forged over shared spoons and heartwarming conversations. It’s a dessert that captures not only the essence of flavors but also the essence of cherished moments.


How to make Sabudana Kheer At Home

For those who dare to embark on the culinary adventure of crafting Sabudana Kheer at home, the recipe unveils itself as a labor of love. The gentle dance of tapioca pearls in creamy milk, the careful infusion of aromatic cardamom, and the gradual transformation into a sumptuous treat are both an art and a science. The reward lies not only in the indulgent taste but also in the pride of creating a dish that honors tradition and personal touch. As the aroma wafts through the kitchen, and the first spoonful is savored, one becomes a part of the beautiful tapestry of Sabudana Kheer’s history, culture, and pure delight.

Sabudana Kheer


Ingredients for Sabudana Kheer

⦁ – ½ cup water (for soaking)
⦁ – ½ teaspoon ground cardamom (elaichi powder)
⦁ – 1 liter whole milk (full-fat milk)
⦁ – 15-20 strands saffron (optional)
⦁ – ½ cup medium-size sabudana (sago, tapioca pearls)
⦁ – ¼ cup granulated white sugar (or to taste)



Steps to make Sabudana Kheer


Step 1: Preparing the Sabudana

Start by rinsing the sabudana with water. Unlike the sabudana khichdi recipe where multiple rinses are required, for sabudana kheer, a single rinse is enough. This unique approach retains the starch content, ensuring a creamy and luscious texture in the final kheer.


Step 2: Soaking the Sabudana

Soak the rinsed sabudana in ½ cup of water for a duration of 4-5 hours. In case you forgot to soak it ahead of time, you can use a quick method by soaking it in boiling hot water for 30 minutes, effectively expediting the soaking process.

Sabudana Kheer



Step 3: Heating the Milk

In a heavy-bottomed pan set over medium-high heat, warm the milk. Maintain vigilance and stir regularly to prevent any undesirable scorching. A gradual and gentle heating process helps in achieving a smooth and consistent texture.

Sabudana Kheer



Step 4: Incorporating the Sabudana

Once the milk reaches a boiling point, introduce the soaked sabudana along with saffron strands. However, exercise caution and never introduce the sabudana before the milk attains a full, rolling boil, as doing so might lead to unwanted curdling.


Step 5: Simmering and Cooking

Adjust the heat to low and allow the kheer to simmer. Patiently cook the mixture, stirring frequently, until it achieves a sumptuous thickness and the sabudana pearls are tender and well-cooked. This delicate process may take approximately 40 to 60 minutes, necessitating your vigilant attention and dedication.

Sabudana Kheer



Step 6: Monitoring the Consistency

Strive for a kheer consistency that mirrors the luxurious flow of custard. Stirring diligently during the cooking process is essential, ensuring an even distribution of flavors and a harmonious blend of textures.


Step 7: Achieving the Perfect Texture

Post-cooking, the sabudana pearls should display a softened and slightly sticky demeanor, their translucence and tenderness adding to the overall allure of the kheer. A significant point to remember is that the kheer’s thickness will notably amplify upon cooling.

Sabudana Kheer



Step 8: Infusing Sweetness and Aroma

Add the precise measure of sugar and a hint of aromatic cardamom powder to the kheer. Allow the ingredients to meld seamlessly through a brief 2-3 minutes of cooking, culminating in a symphony of delectable flavors.

Sabudana Kheer


Step 9: Garnishing and Final Touches

Embrace the art of presentation by adorning the kheer with slivered almonds, pistachios, and the delicate allure of dried rose petals. This visual and textural medley provides an enticing prelude to the impending taste sensation.


Step 10: Serving and Savoring

With your creation perfected, serve the sabudana kheer either warm or chilled, as per your preference. Relish each spoonful, allowing the harmonious blend of ingredients and the infusion of flavors to transport your senses to a realm of culinary delight.

Sabudana Kheer


Nutrition Facts

⦁ – Fiber: 1g
⦁ – Sugar: 12g
⦁ – Vitamin A: 20IU
⦁ – Protein: 1g
⦁ – Carbohydrates: 30g
⦁ – Iron: 1mg
⦁ – Fat: 1g
⦁ – Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g
⦁ – Sodium: 31mg
⦁ – Saturated Fat: 1g
⦁ – Vitamin C: 4mg
⦁ – Potassium: 68mg
⦁ – Monounsaturated Fat: 1g
⦁ – Calcium: 6mg
⦁ – Cholesterol: 1mg
⦁ – Calories: 123 kcal



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Steps to avoid while preparing Sabudana Kheer

1. Skipping the Soaking Step: Neglecting to soak the sabudana properly can result in hard and uncooked pearls in the kheer. Soaking is crucial for achieving the desired soft and tender texture.

2. Adding Sabudana too Early: Introducing sabudana to the milk before it comes to a rolling boil can lead to curdling and uneven cooking. Wait until the milk is fully boiling before adding the sabudana.

3. Not Stirring Frequently: Failing to stir the kheer regularly while it’s cooking can cause the sabudana to stick to the bottom of the pan, resulting in burnt bits and uneven consistency.

4. Rushing the Cooking Process: Cooking the kheer on high heat to speed up the process can cause the milk to scorch and the sabudana to remain undercooked.

5. Neglecting Saffron Infusion: If using saffron, not soaking it in warm milk before adding it to the kheer can prevent its flavor and color from infusing properly.

6. Overloading with Sugar: Adding too much sugar at the beginning can make the kheer overly sweet. It’s better to start with less and gradually add more if needed.

7. Not Testing for Sabudana Doneness: Not checking the sabudana pearls for doneness before concluding the cooking process can result in a gritty or chewy texture in the final kheer.

8. Improper Cooling and Storage: Allowing the kheer to cool down at room temperature for too long before refrigerating can lead to bacterial growth. It’s important to refrigerate it promptly.

9. Omitting Cardamom: Skipping the addition of cardamom powder can rob the kheer of its aromatic and flavorful profile.

10. Not Adjusting Consistency: Overcooking the kheer can make it too thick, while undercooking can leave it runny. Pay attention to the consistency and adjust as needed by adding more milk if required.




1. What is Sabudana Kheer?
Sabudana Kheer is a traditional Indian dessert made from tapioca pearls, milk, sugar, and aromatic spices. It’s a creamy and flavorful sweet dish enjoyed on special occasions and during fasting periods.

2. How do you make Sabudana Kheer at home?
To make Sabudana Kheer, soak tapioca pearls, cook them with milk, sugar, and spices until the mixture thickens. It’s a delightful dessert that requires patience and attention to detail.

3. Can Sabudana Kheer be made without milk?
Yes, you can make dairy-free Sabudana Kheer by using plant-based milk alternatives like almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk. Adjust the recipe to your dietary preferences.

4. Is soaking Sabudana essential for making kheer?
Yes, soaking sabudana is crucial to achieve the desired texture in Sabudana Kheer. It softens the pearls and allows them to absorb the flavors of the milk and spices.

5. How do I prevent Sabudana Kheer from curdling?
To prevent curdling, always add soaked sabudana to boiling milk and stir continuously. Avoid adding sabudana to cold milk, as this can cause curdling.

6. Can Sabudana Kheer be served cold?
Yes, Sabudana Kheer can be enjoyed both warm and chilled. It’s a matter of personal preference. Refrigerate the kheer if you prefer a cold and refreshing dessert.

7. What are some variations of Sabudana Kheer?
You can customize Sabudana Kheer by adding ingredients like chopped nuts, dried fruits, saffron, or rose water to enhance its flavor and visual appeal.

8. Is Sabudana Kheer suitable for fasting (vrat) recipes?
Yes, Sabudana Kheer is often consumed during fasting periods (vrat) in Indian cuisine. It’s a wholesome and energizing dessert that adheres to fasting guidelines.

9. How do you store leftover Sabudana Kheer?
Store leftover Sabudana Kheer in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Consume it within a day or two for the best taste and texture.

10. Can I make Sabudana Kheer in advance for special occasions?
Yes, you can prepare Sabudana Kheer in advance and refrigerate it. However, keep in mind that the kheer may thicken upon cooling, so adjust the consistency when reheating it before serving.

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