Delicious And Easy Boston Cream Pie Recipe 2023

The Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe offers a delightful combination of flavors and textures in a simple yet scrumptious dessert. This classic dessert begins with a fluffy, moist vanilla cake as its base, providing a tender foundation for the layers to come. A luscious, velvety pastry cream fills the cake’s center, adding a rich and creamy element that balances the sweetness. A glossy layer of chocolate ganache cascades over the cake’s crown, adding a luxurious touch and a decadent finish. With its harmonious blend of vanilla, custard, and chocolate, this Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe guarantees a delightful treat that will impress both friends and family. Enjoy this timeless dessert as a perfect ending to any meal or a special indulgence whenever the craving strikes.


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe


Ingredients for Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe

⦁ – Yellow cake mix: 9 ounces (1 package)
⦁ – Sugar: 1/2 cup
⦁ – Cornstarch: 2 tablespoons
⦁ – Milk: 1 2/3 cups
⦁ – Egg: 1 (beaten)
⦁ – Vanilla: 3/4 teaspoon
⦁ – Butter flavoring: 1/4 teaspoon
⦁ – Whipping cream: 1 cup (whipped)
⦁ – Unsweetened chocolate square: 2 ounces (2 squares, 1 ounce each)
⦁ – Butter: 2 tablespoons
⦁ – Powdered sugar: 1 1/4 cups (sifted)
⦁ – Vanilla: 1 1/4 teaspoons
⦁ – Hot water: 4 tablespoons


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe

Steps to make Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe

Step 1

To begin, follow the instructions on the package to prepare the layer cake. Allow it to cool completely, and then carefully cut it into two thin layers. In a 2-quart casserole, combine sugar, cornstarch, and milk, ensuring a thorough mix using a wire whisk. Microwave the mixture at high heat (level 10) for 3 to 6 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes, until it thickens to the desired consistency.


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe


Step 2

Next, take a small portion of the hot mixture and stir it into a beaten egg. Incorporate this egg mixture, along with vanilla and butter flavoring, into the hot mixture in the casserole. Microwave it at medium-high heat (level 7) for 1 minute. Once done, allow the mixture to cool completely.


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe


Step 3

Once cooled, gently fold whipped cream into the thickened mixture, creating a creamy filling. Spread this delicious filling generously between the two cake layers, creating a delectable sandwich. Moving on to the glaze, take a 4-cup glass measure and combine the chocolate and butter. Microwave it at high heat (level 10) for 1 to 2 minutes until the chocolate melts. Add powdered sugar and vanilla to the mixture, blending well. Gradually incorporate hot water, one tablespoon at a time, until the glaze reaches the desired consistency.


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe


Step 4

Finally, generously spread the glaze over the top and sides of the cake, ensuring an even coating. Allow the glaze to set, and then serve your delectable Easy Boston Cream Pie to enjoy its heavenly flavors.


Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe


Nutrition Facts

⦁ – Yellow cake mix: Calories: 1,500, Fat: 30g, Sodium: 1,500mg, Carbs: 300g, Sugars: 150g, Protein: 15g
⦁ – Sugar: Calories: 194, Carbs: 50g, Sugars: 50g
⦁ – Cornstarch: Calories: 60, Carbs: 14g
⦁ – Milk: Calories: 265, Fat: 14g, Sodium: 125mg, Carbs: 20g, Sugars: 20g, Protein: 16g
⦁ – Egg: Calories: 72, Fat: 5g, Cholesterol: 186mg, Sodium: 71mg, Protein: 6g


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Steps to avoid while preparing Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe

1. Avoid overmixing the cake batter: When preparing the cake mix, be cautious not to overmix the batter. Overmixing can lead to a dense and tough texture. Follow the package instructions and mix until just combined.

2. Don’t rush the cooling process: It’s crucial to allow the cake layers and the cream filling to cool completely before assembling the pie. Rushing this step may result in a runny or unstable filling.

3. Avoid overheating the custard filling: When microwaving the custard filling mixture, be careful not to overcook it. Follow the recommended time and power level mentioned in the recipe to prevent the custard from curdling or becoming too thick.

4. Don’t skip sifting the powdered sugar: Sifting the powdered sugar before incorporating it into the chocolate glaze helps prevent lumps and ensures a smooth texture. Skipping this step might result in a grainy or clumpy glaze.

5. Avoid adding too much hot water to the glaze: Gradually add hot water to the chocolate glaze mixture until it reaches the desired consistency. Adding too much water at once can make the glaze runny and difficult to spread evenly.

By being mindful of these steps to avoid, you can successfully create a delicious and visually appealing Easy Boston Cream Pie recipe.



Q1: Can I use a homemade cake instead of a yellow cake mix for Easy Boston Cream Pie?
A1: Yes, you can substitute a homemade cake recipe for the yellow cake mix. Ensure that the cake is light and fluffy to complement the creamy filling and chocolate glaze.

Q2: Can I make the pastry cream ahead of time for Easy Boston Cream Pie?
A2: Yes, you can make the pastry cream ahead of time and refrigerate it until ready to use. Just make sure to give it a good whisk or stir before spreading it between the cake layers.

Q3: How long does the Easy Boston Cream Pie need to cool before applying the chocolate glaze?
A3: It’s recommended to let the assembled pie cool for at least 30 minutes before applying the chocolate glaze. This allows the cream filling to set and prevents it from melting under the warm glaze.

Q4: Can I use semi-sweet chocolate instead of unsweetened chocolate for the glaze?
A4: Yes, you can use semi-sweet chocolate as a substitute for unsweetened chocolate. Keep in mind that it will add a slightly sweeter flavor to the glaze.

Q5: Can I freeze the Easy Boston Cream Pie?
A5: While it’s not ideal to freeze the fully assembled pie, you can freeze the cake layers separately and the pastry cream filling. Assemble and add the glaze just before serving for the best texture and taste.

Q6: How long will the Easy Boston Cream Pie stay fresh?
A6: The pie is best enjoyed within 2-3 days of assembly when stored in the refrigerator. Beyond that, the texture of the cake and cream filling may start to deteriorate.

Q7: Can I use whipped topping instead of whipped cream for the filling?
A7: Yes, you can use whipped topping as a substitute for whipped cream in the filling. However, keep in mind that whipped topping may have a slightly different texture and taste compared to freshly whipped cream.

Q8: Can I add sliced fruits or berries as a garnish to the Easy Boston Cream Pie?
A8: Absolutely! Sliced fruits or berries such as strawberries or raspberries can be a delicious and refreshing addition to the pie. Add them as a garnish just before serving to maintain their freshness.

Q9: Can I make mini Boston Cream Pies instead of one large pie?
A9: Yes, you can use individual-sized molds or ramekins to create mini Boston Cream Pies. Adjust the baking time accordingly, as smaller pies will require less time to bake.

Q10: Is it necessary to sift the powdered sugar for the chocolate glaze?
A10: Sifting the powdered sugar helps to remove any lumps and ensures a smooth glaze. It’s recommended to sift the powdered sugar before adding it to the glaze mixture for best results.

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